Jackpoint Jackstands PAIR – Matte Finish with Recessed Pads


Jackpoint jack stands also work with the jack pads and adapters you already own. Just select Jackpoint jacks stands with recessed pads and use your existing pads. The Jackpoint recessed pad has a 3.5″ diameter recess to accept your jack adapters. This combination works great with pads from Reverse Logic, ECS, ZL1 Addons, True Forged, and others. This is a great option if you have several different cars that use different aftermarket pads or adapters or if you’ve been using a common puck. The Jackpoint jack stands with recessed pads combined with widely available Corvette pucks is a great solution for the C7 and C8 Corvette chassis. Also great when used with Tesla jack pads and jack pads sold for Porsche cars.


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4 in stock

Weight 41 lbs
Dimensions 17 × 12 × 15 in
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